Azure Service Error - The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme Anonymous/ System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: SOAP Server Application Faulted

When I was working on WCF services consumption through one of azure web/worker role I was getting the below service errors -

1) System.InvalidOperationException: Operation failed with internal server errors:{"message":"The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'"

2) System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: SOAP Server Application Faulted

In both scenarios, I had service authentication through Certs auth and I have certs installed on azure management portal.

After bit investigation I have realized the certs are not uploaded by their .pfx files, instead .cer certs uploaded into portal. When you deploy your azure web/worker roles, it won't complain about missing cert since cert store has .cer file.

But when you role calls WCF service, service expects to send .pfx file instead of .cer and you see above service errors.

To resolve the issue, you need to remove cert from management portal and upload cert with .pfx file. You may need to redeploy your package to get new certs installed into respective role instances.


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