I often see when packaging Windows Azure project getting "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters." error. To fix this issue I had to change Cloud Project User options file add add ServiceOutputDirectory entry to the file. 1) Open your Cloud Project file in Windows Explorer from Visual Studio. 2) Find Cloud Project file in opened directory (*.ccproj file) 3) Open file in Notepad 4) Add c:\azure entry Now your cloud visual studio project user options file looks similar to below: 5) Save file and open your solution again. 6) Package Solution and it should package without above error.
How to find root cause for SQL Azure DB error - " Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 180 and has been reached." I have ran the following two queries to find long running queries that causing connection limit issue. When you run below queries the result set 1 shows all current running query on DB with active session ids. If result set1 has non-zero values in “blocking_session_id” column, you can find same session id in 2 nd result set and see the query text. Based on query text, you can guess which job is running this query & kill/suspend the job/query to release the server resources. select r . session_id , r . blocking_session_id , r . wait_type , r . wait_time , r . wait_resource , r . total_elapsed_time , r . cpu_time , r . reads , r . writes , s . nt_user_name , s . program_name , s . total_elapsed_time from sys . dm_exec_requests r join sys . dm_exec_sessions s on s . session_id = r . session_id SELECT ...
Sometimes we might have created connection strings with different environments and don't want to save in entity framework wizard. Today I realized we can't modify/delete individual connection string from wizard. In order to delete saved connection strings from wizard we need to reset the user data. You can run the following command to reset user data on Visual studio: 1) Open Command Prompt 2) Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE 3) Run devenv/resetuserdata It clears your profile Visual studio settings and you can start creating new connection strings, which will be saved into your profile again.