When you have Azure WADLogTable loaded with tons of records, queries takes longer time to return results by using TimeStamp. WADLog Table index by partition key and if I query by partition key I see logs are returning way faster. Partition key is datetime in ticks, you can get datetime in ticks by converting datetime string into ticks. I’m lazy to open VS just to get datetime in ticks and use LINQPad tool for these kind of quick conversions. It’s kind of opening notepad and writing C# statements. Code to get datetime in Ticks: DateTime dt = new DateTime( 2013 , 08 , 29, 0,0,0 ); long l = dt.Ticks; Console.WriteLine(l); //gives 635133312000000000 Once you have datetime string in ticks prefix 0 , use that value to query the table & you can start see logs immediately. Query to Table – PartitionKey gt '0635133312000000000' If you want to see errors in log file use query with level =...
DECLARE @Table TABLE ( Id INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ), Idn INT , StartDate DATE , EndDate DATE ) INSERT INTO @Table SELECT 1 , '2013-07-01' , '2014-06-30' UNION SELECT 1 , '2014-07-01' , '2015-06-30' UNION SELECT 1 , '2015-07-10' , '2016-06-30' UNION SELECT 1 , '2016-07-05' , '2017-06-30' Select * From @Table ; WITH CTE AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY Idn ORDE...
Recently I have been working on data access layer and wondering how to capture raise errors of stored procedure. I realized we can't capture stored procedure error if dataset being used in application. In order to capture stored procedure error, application should use Data Reader instead of Data Adapter. Ref: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811482 Thanks, -Venu.
The following is the console client, which consumes Rest Service: using System.Net; using System.IO; static void RestCall() { string baseUri = http://localhost:33987/MyService.svc/GetData/10 ; HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest .Create(baseUri) as HttpWebRequest ; HttpWebResponse resp = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse ; var response = resp.GetResponseStream(); try { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamRead...
Today while I was writing my WCF Rest Client, I was getting error as "400 Bad Request". Finally I realized the culprit of error was service name in web.config file. In order to resolve this error, make sure service name is matching with your service markup's service name. If you have servicename1.svc, right click on that file and select "View MarkUp". Copy Service value from that and paste it into webconfig's services service name. Service1.svc MarkUp: <% @ ServiceHost Language ="C#" Debug ="true" Service ="MyServiceNameSpace.Service1" CodeBehind ="Service1.svc.cs" %> Web.config Services Section: < services > < service name = " MyServiceNameSpace.Service1 " > < endpoint address = "" behaviorConfiguration = " restService " contract = " MyServiceNameSpace.IService1 " binding = ...