Power Shell Scripts


Explains Functions/Scripts/Args

How to pass params:
    [string] $optionalparam1, #an optional parameter with no default value
    [string] $optionalparam2 = "default", #an optional parameter with a default value
    [string] $requiredparam = $(throw ""requiredparam required."), #throw exception if no value provided
    [string] $user = $(Read-Host -prompt "User"), #prompt user for value if none provided
    [switch] $switchparam; #an optional "switch parameter" (ie, a flag)


# Begin script foo.ps1
param([string]$foo = "foo", [string]$bar = $(Read-Host -promt "Bar Value"))
Write-Host "Arg: $foo"
Write-Host "Arg: $bar"
#  End script foo.ps1 


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