Get all Site Colletions with Primary and Secondary Contatct User Info from Sharepoint Content Database

--Get all site collections with primary secondary owner user info
Select W.FullURl, W.Title, S.OwnerId,
Max(Case When S.OwnerId = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Login End) as PrimaryLogin,
Max(Case When S.OwnerId = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Title End) as PrimaryName,
Max(Case When S.OwnerId = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Email End) as PrimaryEmailAddress,
Max(Case When S.SecondaryContactID = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Login End) as SecondaryLogin,
Max(Case When S.SecondaryContactID = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Title End) as SecondaryName,
Max(Case When S.SecondaryContactID = U.tp_Id And S.Id = U.tp_siteId then U.tp_Email End) as SecondaryEmailAddress,
HostHeader, DiskUsed, LastContentChange, W.Id as WebId, W.SiteId, S.RootWebId
From dbo.Sites S Inner Join dbo.Webs W On S.RootWebId = W.Id
Inner join dbo.UserInfo U On S.Id = U.tp_SiteId
Where tp_SiteAdmin =1 and tp_IsActive =1
Group By W.Id, W.SiteId, W.FullURl, W.Title, HostHeader, DiskUsed, LastContentChange, S.OwnerId, S.SecondaryContactID, S.RootWebId, S.RootWebId

-- Get site users with roles & groups
Select W.Id as WebId, W.SiteId, W.FullURl, tp_Id, tp_Login, tp_title, tp_Email, tp_DomainGroup,
R.Title as RoleName,  R.RoleId, G.Title as GroupName, GM.GroupId
From Webs W Inner Join Groups G On W.SiteId = G.SiteId
Inner Join GroupMembership GM on GM.SiteId = G.SiteId and GM.GroupId = G.Id
Inner Join UserInfo U on GM.SiteId = U.tp_SiteId and GM.MemberId = U.tp_Id and U.tp_IsActive = 1 and U.tp_Deleted = 0
Inner Join RoleAssignment RA on GM.SiteId = RA.SiteId and GM.GroupId = RA.PrincipalId and W.ScopeId = RA.ScopeId
Inner Join Roles R on R.SiteId = RA.SiteId and R.RoleId = RA.RoleId 
Group By W.Id, W.SiteId, W.FullURl, W.Title, U.tp_Id, U.tp_Login, U.tp_title, U.tp_Email, tp_DomainGroup
,GM.GroupId, R.RoleId, R.Title, G.Title
-- Get Site users not added under any group
Select W.Id as WebId, W.SiteId, W.FullURl, tp_Id, tp_Login, tp_title, tp_Email, tp_DomainGroup,R.Title as RoleName, R.RoleId
From Webs W Inner Join RoleAssignment RA on W.SiteId = RA.SiteId and W.ScopeId = RA.ScopeId
Inner Join Roles R on RA.SiteId = R.SiteId and RA.RoleId = R.RoleId 
Inner Join UserInfo U on RA.SiteId= U.tp_SiteId and RA.PrincipalId = U.tp_Id and U.tp_IsActive = 1 and U.tp_Deleted = 0
Group By W.Id, W.SiteId, W.FullURl, W.Title, U.tp_Id, U.tp_Login, U.tp_title, U.tp_Email, tp_DomainGroup, R.RoleId, R.Title

-- Find a feature on content db
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Webs.Id AS WebGuid, dbo.Webs.Title AS SiteName, 
dbo.Webs.FullUrl AS SiteUrl, dbo.Features.FeatureId, dbo.Sites.HostHeader 
FROM dbo.Features INNER JOIN 
dbo.Webs ON dbo.Features.SiteId = dbo.Webs.SiteId 
Inner Join Sites ON Webs.SiteId = Sites.Id 
WHERE dbo.Features.FeatureId = 'featureId'
-- Find webpart on content db
SELECT DISTINCT D.SiteID, D.WebID, W.Title as SiteName, D.DirName as SiteRelativeUrl,
D.LeafName as PageName, S.HostHeader  
FROM dbo.Docs D WITH (nolock) 
INNER JOIN dbo.Webs W WITH (nolock) ON D.WebID = W.Id 
INNER JOIN dbo.WebParts WP WITH (nolock)  ON D.Id = WP.tp_PageUrlID 
INNER JOIN dbo.Sites S WITH (nolock) ON D.SiteId = S.Id 
WHERE WP.tp_ListId Is Null AND WP.tp_Type Is Null AND WP.tp_Flags Is Null 
AND WP.tp_BaseViewID Is Null AND WP.tp_DisplayName Is Null 
AND WP.tp_Version Is Null AND WP.tp_WebPartTypeId ='webPartId';

-- Generate WebPart ID  from web part assembly name & web part type
string data = assemblyName + "|" + typeName;
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(data);
MD5 hashAlgo = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] hash = hashAlgo.ComputeHash(dataBytes);
Guid hashGuid = new Guid(hash);
WebPartId = hashGuid.ToString();

Get Content Databases  from Farm:

SPFarm thisFarm = SPFarm.Local;
SPWebService contentService = (SPWebService)thisFarm.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>("");

foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in contentService.WebApplications)
string webAppUrl = webApp.GetResponseUri(SPUrlZone.Default).AbsoluteUri;

   foreach (SPContentDatabase contentDb in webApp.ContentDatabases)
      string server = contentDb.Server;
      string dbName = contentDb.Name;                


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