How to get Client's Location using IPAddress

You can consume free Web Service, which can give IP Address Location Details.

The Following function returns Location Details as DataTable:

private DataTable GetLocation(string ipaddress)


//Create a WebRequest

WebRequest rssReq = WebRequest.Create("" + ipaddress);

//Create a Proxy

WebProxy px = new WebProxy("" + ipaddress, true);

//Assign the proxy to the WebRequest

rssReq.Proxy = px;

//Set the timeout in Seconds for the WebRequest

rssReq.Timeout = 2000;



//Get the WebResponse

WebResponse rep = rssReq.GetResponse();

//Read the Response in a XMLTextReader

XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(rep.GetResponseStream());

//Create a new DataSet

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

//Read the Response into the DataSet


return ds.Tables[0];




return null;



Thank You.


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