Run Sql Backups/Archive DB Backup File / Copy archived file to another directory or FTP Directory

Get All available Databases using Select name from sys.databases (in 2005) or Select name from sysdatabases (in 2000).

SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand(@"
BACKUP DATABASE @dbName TO DISK = @backupPath;
exec xp_cmdshell @backupCmd;", objConn);

Backup Database command takes back up for given DB.

Exec xp_cmdshell command runs dos batch files with given command.

@backupCmd paramater has actual batch command, which will do archive the file and move the file to specified destination.

For Archiving I have used Rar command, which is a tiny exe available on Internet.

@backupCmd param value is :

rar a -s -df filename.rar dbbackupname.bak && xcopy /Y filename.rar & del /F/Q filename.rar;

Above command does Three different functions,

1) Archiving using rar
2) xcopy - Moving Archiving file into given destination (Real time it would be FTP Directory)
3) Delete Archived file from Source Directory

&& - Represents If rar command executes successfully, it goes to xcopy.
& - Even if Xcopy fails, del command deletes rar file on source directory.

You can specify Backup command value in Web.Config as follows:


Venu said…
add key="BackupCmd" value ="rar a -s -df "{1}\{0}.rar" "{1}\{0}" && xcopy /Y "{1}\{0}.rar" "{2}\" & del /F/Q "{1}\{0}.rar""

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