Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 180 and has been reached.

How to find root cause for SQL Azure DB error - " Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 180 and has been reached." I have ran the following two queries to find long running queries that causing connection limit issue. When you run below queries the result set 1 shows all current running query on DB with active session ids. If result set1 has non-zero values in “blocking_session_id” column, you can find same session id in 2 nd result set and see the query text. Based on query text, you can guess which job is running this query & kill/suspend the job/query to release the server resources. select r . session_id , r . blocking_session_id , r . wait_type , r . wait_time , r . wait_resource , r . total_elapsed_time , r . cpu_time , r . reads , r . writes , s . nt_user_name , s . program_name , s . total_elapsed_time from sys . dm_exec_requests r join sys . dm_exec_sessions s on s . session_id = r . session_id SELECT ...