
Showing posts from 2012

Reset user settings on Visual Studio

Sometimes we might have created connection strings with different environments and don't want to save in entity framework wizard. Today I realized we can't modify/delete individual connection string from wizard. In order to delete saved connection strings from wizard we need to reset the user data. You can run the following command to reset user data on Visual studio: 1) Open Command Prompt 2) Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE 3) Run devenv/resetuserdata It clears your profile  Visual studio settings and you can start creating new connection strings, which will be saved into your profile again.

Windows 8 and the future of XAML

Windows Azure Role Architecture

SharePoint 2013 !!!!!!!!!

Woh, I am super exited to see SP 2013 on our way....!! Dev reference Url: Videos

Partial View vs View in MVC

How using woks in C#?

Using  statement used to dispose object automatically while end of method execution. The CLR will generate try finally block and dispose managed objects in finally block.

Dependency Injection Silverlight

Explains nicely about Dependency Injection: Explained Three Types of Injections: Constructor Injection Setter Injection Interface-based Injection

Windows Azure Monitoring using SCOM2007

Running PowerShell Scripts from a SCOM Management Pack

A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe.

When you create a Visual Webpart using Visual Studio 2010 you may see the following error: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe. The reason for this error is if we modify default namespace into custom namespace, Visual Studio 2010 Package is not generating webpart file properly. 1) Make sure your webpart is added into Safe Control list in Web.config file. 2) Open your .webpart file in your visual studio - Make sure type element name has proper namespace & class name. When you made changes to default name space which is being generated by  visual studio, you may not see updated namespace in type element. So make sure your webpart name space name & webpart class name placed correctly in type element's name attribute type name="WebpartNameSpace.WebPartClassName", $Sharepoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$   3) Access http://server/_layouts/ne...