
Showing posts from January, 2009

Difference between SET & SELECT in TSQL

The following Two blogs explains difference between SET & SELECT When assigning values to local variables.

AJAX Client Life-Cycle Events

AJAX Client Life-Cycle Events How to call Server Side function from Client Side Code using PageMethods in ASP.NET AJAX (Without Update Panels) Cancelling an Asynchronous PostBack in ASP.NET Ajax

Update Excel Sheet using C#, Where Excel not Installed on Server

I am going to show two ways of Excel Sheet Update using C#. Oneway is Where MS Excel got installed on the Server. Steps to Update Excel File: 1) Get the File Name on the Server. 2) Create _Application calss Instance 3) Create _WorkBook calss Instace for _Application 4) Get the available Sheets for _WorkBook Object 5) Update Excel Sheet Columns with Desired Values. 6) Save the Workbook and Quit Application Add the following Referece to the Program: using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; /// /// Takes Newly Generated ECR No and Updated ECR Form with ECR No, Description /// Need Excel Installed On Production Server using UpdateECRForm() method /// /// protected void UpdateECRForm( int _ECRNo) { string xlsFileName = Server.MapPath( ConfigurationManager .AppSettings[ "NewECRFormName" ].ToString() + _ECRNo + ".xlsx" ); _Application xl = new ApplicationClass (); _Workbook wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(xlsFileName, 0, false , 5, Missing .Value, Missing .Value, false , M...