
Showing posts from December, 2008

AJAX Enabled WCF Services

See the following URLs: Difference Between SOAP & REST: AJAX Enabled WCF Service: REST in WCF - Part I (REST Overview) REST in WCF - Part II (AJAX Friendly Services, Creating The Service) REST in WCF - Part III (AJAX Friendly Services, Consuming The Service) Good Blogs on AJAX Enabled WCF Services:

ASP.NET Delegation

Good Article to understand IIS & ASP.Net Authentication.

Send an Email with attachment to Multiple Recipients using ASP.Net

Get all email address to list from Database. Here I am using LINQ to SQL to get Email Address from Database. DBDataContext DB = new DBDataContext(); string KitName = rdoAffectedKit.SelectedItem.Text.ToString(); var query = from p in DB.KitMembers where p.KitID == (from kit in DB.Kits where kit.KitName == KitName select kit.KitID).First() select p; List _emailList = new List (); foreach (var obj in query) _emailList.Add(obj.MemberEmail); //MemberEmail is the DB filed, which holds the email address SendEmail(_emailList); //Send Email is the method, which sends email to all recipients protected void SendEmail(List _Recipients) { MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); //Add All Rec...

Copy Files to Remote Location using ASP.Net

The following code transfers files to target Location: string path = @"\\\Personal\Venu Pavuluri\Texta.xls"; //Source File resides on Server Directory string source = Server.MapPath("Test.xls"); File.Copy(source, path); Response.Write("Trnsfered Successfully!!"); Render Excel File to Browser: protected void TranferXlsFile() { string filename = "Test.xls"; if (filename != "") { string path = Server.MapPath(filename); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Exists) { Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.Name); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = ...